トップ > カフェ・教師宅でマンツーマンレッスン > 教師紹介 一覧 > Marcus 先生
Marcus 先生
- 英語
- #866
- England
- 男性
- 新宿 (山手線)
- 1時間3,500円
- 15 年
- 日常会話上級
Hello there !
I am a friendly, positive, adaptable and professional man from London, England.
I am a professional teacher with 15 years experience in Japan.
I am also a professional narrator for TOEIC and other educational texts, as well as for company video promotions (VP`s) etc.
I also have business and sales experience and import audio speaker systems into Japan.
As well as the above, I am a professional singer and saxophone player.
I hope to be of service to you in the near future.